Students win ‘Global Voices’ video competition

Monday, June 17, 2013

Jonathan Salmons and Gerald Stewart, student assistants in the International Student/Scholar Office, submitted one of the winning videos for the first “UNC Global Voices International Video Competition” sponsored by the UNC General Administration.

The prize-winning short-film, entered in the contest’s “Cultural Connections” category, focused on UNC Charlotte’s International Coffee Hour, held twice-monthly during the academic year. These informal gatherings are open to all students, faculty and staff and are hosted by the International Student/Scholar Office.

“International Coffee Hour has provided opportunities to learn about the world even when we don't have the opportunity to see more of it in person,” said Stewart. “It brings people together and pushes differences aside.”

Stewart stated he was particularly interested in submitting to the competition after learning there was a category for students who had not traveled abroad but who engage with international students on campus.

“The video we made showed how domestic students who may not have traveled abroad can still get involved in the international community here at UNC Charlotte,” said Stewart. “A program like this provides an opportunity and experience that is invaluable to any student with an international focus and especially to those who have or want a global perspective.

The UNC system contest also accepted short videos in the categories “Impact Abroad,” about students’ experiences abroad, and “A Day in the Life,” for international students to highlight their social and academic experiences on a UNC system campus.

Winning entries received a $500 cash prize and will be featured on the UNC system website.

Photo: International Coffee Hour participants play a game as part of the social gathering.