OctSoberfest kicks off National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Month

The Center for Wellness Promotion will host its sixth annual OctSoberfest from 4 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 9, on the front recreational fields, to kick off National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Month.
OctSoberfest is a wellness carnival-style program to educate students on the realities of alcohol consumption through various alcohol-free activities. There will be a a number of activities, including a drunk driving simulation, mock sobriety testing, cornhole, home run derby and gladiator jousting. Music, free food and beverages and giveaways will be provided too.
Shawnte’ Elbert, health education specialist in alcohol, tobacco and other drugs at the Center for Wellness Promotion, said the event will “enlighten students of myths they commonly associate with alcohol usage, such as coffee helping to sober up.” She stated the event’s primary purpose is to “provide a sober social event for UNC Charlotte students, especially during the first football Homecoming week on campus.”