Weeklong celebration planned for 50th anniversary of Cone University Center

The Bonnie E. Cone University Center will celebrate 50 years of campus life in November with a weeklong celebration of the facility’s historical significance and contemporary relevance to the University community with commemorative remarks, student performances, personal stories, educational exhibits, music, dance and other festivities.
The origins of Cone Center intertwine with the life and accomplishments of University founder Bonnie E. Cone. In 1946, lifelong educator Bonnie Cone, known as “Miss Bonnie,” became the first director of Charlotte Center, a night school program at Central High serving World War II veterans. Through the efforts of Miss Bonnie and community leaders, Charlotte Center expanded in 1949 to become Charlotte College, a two-year, city-funded educational institution (hence, the “49ers”).
Cone was instrumental with the construction of the new northeast campus, including the “College Center,” which was originally dedicated in a ceremony with Atkins Library on Nov. 3, 1963. At that time, Macy and Kennedy were the only other buildings on campus.
Following Miss Bonnie’s retirement, the College Center was renamed the Bonne E. Cone University Center in her honor. Since that time, the building has expanded to meet the needs of the growing University population.
Student affairs officials note it remains true to its mission and Miss Bonnie’s legacy, always serving as a student-focused building with programs and offices that provide opportunities for both structured and informal student interaction and learning.
The Cone University Center 50th Anniversary Celebration runs Monday, Nov. 4, through Saturday, Nov. 9, with a lineup of events (listed below) as varied as the building’s history.
Monday, Nov. 4
Movies @ McKnight: BIG SCREEN BATMAN
7 and 9 p.m. • McKnight Hall
McKnight was once the “it” place for silver screen entertainment, so what better venue for back-to-back journeys from past to present. At 7 p.m., catch the 1966 “Batman,” starring Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin. See the Dynamic Duo take on the Joker, Penguin, Catwoman and Riddler. At 9 p.m., fast-forward to 2008 for “The Dark Knight,” the first installment of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, in which Christian Bale as Batman faces diabolical criminal mastermind the Joker, played by Heath Ledger.
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Chancellor’s CONE-vocation
3 p.m. • Lucas Room
Join Chancellor Philip L. Dubois, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Arthur Jackson, Board of Trustees member and former Student Body President Mike Wilson, current Student Body President Brady Nails and other members of the University community for a special Cone Center remembrance followed by the inaugural presentation of the Daisy Pearl Pugh Urban Scholarship Award with special guest Rob Urban. Light refreshments to follow.
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Movies @ McKnight: GREAT GORILLAS
7 and 9 p.m. • McKnight Hall
First up on the double-feature is the 1968 classic “Planet of the Apes” with Charlton Heston: an astronaut crew crash lands on an alien planet where the apes rather than men evolved into the intelligent dominant species (groundbreaking in its time for prosthetic makeup artistry). It is followed by the 2011 “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” that features biotech scientist James Franco as Will Rodman and his efforts to save a baby chimpanzee, Caesar, from euthanasia. Caesar later incites an ape army uprising in southern California.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
A-Cone-A-Fair Open House
2 to 4 p.m.
Re-CONE-nect with Cone Center with historically themed activities and exhibits. Retro arcade games, a tie-dye T-shirt station, photo novelties, specialty ice cream and complimentary delights bring the building to life for new and old friends.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Dances of the World
7 p.m. • McKnight Hall
Travel the world through movement with student performances displaying the culturally rich styles and costumes of various dance heritages and styles, both traditional and modern. The event is sponsored by the Multicultural Resource Center.
Thursday, Nov. 7
Scarletta: Country Trio
7 p.m. • After Hours Lounge
This pop country music trio found its roots in Nashville when violinist/vocalist Nathan Stoops – considered one of the best fiddlers in Nashville – met guitar-slinging vocalist Benji Harris at a recording session. Now with Emilee Allan as lead singer, they stand out from the pack with their original storytelling and unique musicality. This event is sponsored by the Campus Activities Board.
Saturday, Nov. 9
FAN-tastic Tailgate
11 a.m. • After Hours Lounge
Join UNC Charlotte graduate students for complimentary tailgate fare followed by the WCCB broadcast of the final Charlotte 49ers home football game. Cheer the 49ers to victory with friends and fans. Remember, parking on game day is available only in East Deck. This event is sponsored by the Center for Graduate Life.
Saturday, Nov. 9
CAB Karaoke Live
7 p.m. • After Hours
Individuals can release t heir inner rock star with their karaoke style of choice – classic, country, hip hop or soul – bring your friends and prepare for a good time. This event is sponsored by the Campus Activities Board.
For more information about the Cone University Center 50th Anniversary celebration, visit Cone Center.