Registration open for annual Multicultural Leadership Conference

The University will host the 13th annual Multicultural Leadership Conference from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 11, in the Student Union. Equality and diversity activist and actor R.J. Mitte will be the conference’s keynote speaker.
The Multicultural Leadership Conference (MLC) is a one-day event for student leaders to explore the intersection of multiculturalism and leadership. Dynamic speakers and engaging workshops will provide participants with strategies and tools for effective leadership on both a local and global level. There also is a workshop for advisors and professionals who work closely with collegiate student leaders.
“We are most excited to host our students and students from neighboring institutes for a day full of remarkable content,” said Nadia Campbell assistant director of the Center for Leadership Development. “Not only will students learn about their own leadership, but they will learn to view and evaluate leadership practices through a multicultural lens.”
Registration, which is $10 for UNC Charlotte students and $50 for non-UNC Charlotte students, is open through Friday, Sept. 26. Afterward, late registration will be through Friday, Oct.3, and will be $20 for UNC Charlotte students and $75 for non-UNC Charlotte students.
Keynote speaker Mitte is most recognized for his role on the Emmy-winning AMC drama “Breaking Bad,” as the son of the cancer-stricken high school science teacher turned drug czar played by Bryan Cranston. Just as his character on the show, Walter White Jr., has cerebral palsy, so does Mitte.
In addition to acting, Mitte is involved with several organizations that raise awareness of equality and diversity. As the youth spokesperson for the National Disability Institute’s Real Economic Impact Tour, he works to improve the financial situation of low-income persons with disabilities. In 2011, Mitte became a celebrity youth ambassador for United Cerebral Palsy, an organization that educates, advocates and provides support limits for people with a spectrum of disabilities.
In reaction to several bullying-related teen suicides, Mitte has spoken out via YouTube, press statements and interviews. He and other actors were featured in the documentary “CinemAbility,” which took a detailed look at the evolution of disability in entertainment.
Visit the Multicultural Leadership Conference website for more information and registration details.