CCI to hold 15th annual Cyber Security Symposium

The College of Computing and Informatics (CCI) will host its 15th annual Cyber Security Symposium on Wednesday, Oct. 15.
Considered the region’s premiere security conference, the symposium feature expert guest speakers from around the country who will address the latest issues surrounding cybercrime and what is being done to combat this ever-increasing global problem.
“The Cyber Security Symposium continues to draw attention to the urgency of dealing with cyber terrorism,” said Bill Chu, professor in the CCI Department of Software and Information Systems. “Once again, we are assembling a list of distinguished industry experts to talk about this on-going global threat. It’s a thrill to see how the symposium has grown over the years and the interest it has generated with business leaders and professionals from around the region. We anticipate over 500 individuals will attend this year’s symposium.”
Rapid advancements in communication and information technology have increased interdependence among diverse groups including businesses and government agencies. The spread of such technologies, and the consequential reliance on them, require participants to understand and take action to minimize security threats. Also, a larger portion of the dangers from the threats come from experienced cyber terrorists who target large monetary rewards from their prey.
Organizers note that the symposium has proven to be invaluable to business continuity professionals, information technology managers, software developers, systems administrators, information security professionals, information security consultants and policy makers. Each year, the city of Charlotte has proclaimed October “Cyber Security Awareness Month” in recognition of the symposium, which will be from 8:15 a.m. to 5p.m. at the Cone University Center.
Symposium speakers include:
- Dmitri Alperovitch, CrowdStrike
- Lawrence Baldwin, Independent Consultant
- Tom Bartolomeo, First Citizens Bank
- Rich Baich, Wells Fargo
- Prentis Brooks, Time Warner Cable
- Roger Callahan, IA Advisory
- Arleigh Carpenter, Lowes
- Neil Carpenter, Microsoft
- John Cassidy, Century Link
- Ted Claypoole, WCSR
- Chad Currier, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions
- Ellia Floria, Microsoft
- Brian Foster, Dambella
- Renee Guttmann, Accuvant
- Todd Inskeep, Samsung
- Richard Langford, BB&T
- Pete Murphy, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions
- Jim Peterman, Oracle
- Sam Phillips, Samsung
- Ian Pratt, Bromium
- Don Ross, Oracle
Individual and special association registration fees are $150 for Individuals after Sept. 15 and $115 for special association members. UNC Charlotte faculty,s taff and students can register to attend for free.
(A list of the associations included under this registration type can be found on the registration site, under the Attendees > Registration Fees tab.
Sponsors for the 2014 Cyber Security Symposium include Charlotte Research Institute, Oracle, Trend Micro, Wells Fargo, Cisco, Varrow, Wombat Security Technologies, Dixon Hughes Goodman, Bank of America, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions, Accuvant, Century Link, Data Chambers, Check Point, City of Charlotte, Infoblox, SQL Sentry, TIAA-CREF, ChristianSteven, Duke Energy, Peak 10, Dimension Data, Radware, and Shape Security.