A capella duo to perform in Student Union

Interactive a capella duo Dakaboom will perform at 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. 27, in the Student Union Rotunda as part of “Union Unplugged.”
Described as postmodern vaudeville, Dakaboom is a music-and-comedy duo from New York and Los Angeles.
Long-time best friends Ben McLain and Paul Peglar comprise Dakaboom; the two utilize a cappella, loop stations, stand-up, sketch, crowd interaction and several musical genres to create a world all their own.
Talent mixed with unique humor makes Dakaboom something brand new and yet altogether familiar to current audiences. According to the performers, viewers leave feeling better than when they arrived – with free hugs to boot.
With a studio album “Get Awesome” and DVD “Live in Los Angeles” under the duo’s belts, Dakaboom spends most of the year touring colleges across the country. The pair has hosted or headlined the Los Angeles A Capella Festival at USC, Chicago’s ACappellaFest and Mile High Vocal Jam in Colorado. Dakaboom has served as guest performers aboard the Diamond Princess on cruises through Alaska, and it has leant its talents to AIDS benefits across California.
This free, public event is sponsored by the Campus Activities Board.