ACCEHW offering programs, webinar in March

The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness (ACCEHW) has a number of programs scheduled for March.
On Wednesday, March 4, the lunch-and-learn “Parenting Your College-age Children” will be from noon to 1 p.m., in the Student Union, Room 200. Register to attend online.
A second lunch-and-learn “Laughter, Humor and Play to Reduce Stress and Solve Problems” will be at noon, Wednesday, March 18, in the Student Union, Room 200. Register to attend online
“Spring into Wellness” will begin Monday, March 9. This program is an individual challenge that focuses on improving one’s health as spring approaches. Participants will earn points for exercise, water consumed and the number of fruits and vegetables eaten. Prizes will be awarded to the top three point earners and the “most improved” participant. This event also qualifies for 10 wellness points. Register online.
ACCEHW will sponsor the webinar “The Five Pillars of Personal Finances” at noon, Wednesday, March 25. Register online in advance to view this offering.