University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the Oct. 3-4 New Employee Orientation session:
Auxiliary Operations
Donielle Skipworth, university program manager
Belk College of Business
Kala Garrison, accounting technician
Building Environmental Services
Isaac Moore, building environmental technician
Krystle Cline, research technician
Anne Bracken, office manager
Criminal Justice and Criminology
Kory Rice, administrative support associate
Events and Special Projects
Kathleen Brooks, administrative support associate
Lee College of Engineering
Jamie Sheppard, academic advisor
Mosaic Lab
Kevin Colwell, systems programmer/analyst
Niner Central
Tiasha Dargins, university program manager
Parking and Transportation Services
Karl Kaylor, administrative support specialist
Physics and Optical Science
Elizabeth Collins, administrative support associate
Police and Public Safety
Mamadou Diallo, police officer
Raymond Rodriguez, police officer
Willie Alston Jr., facilities management technician for building trades
Undergraduate Admissions
Jennifer Novitsky, administrative support associate
University Communications
Ryan Honeyman, creative services director
New Employee Orientation, coordinated by the Human Resources Department, is a two-day program offered twice each month for new, permanent SHRA and EHRA employees. For more information, visit the learning and organizational development website.
Photo (front row, l to r): Kory Rice, Raymond Rodriguez, Jamie Sheppard and Donielle Skipworth; (middle row, l to r) Kala Garrison, Ryan Honeyman, Karl Kaylor, Isaac Moore and Jennifer Novitsky; (back row, l to r) Willie Alston Jr., Anne Bracken, Kathleen Brooks, Krystle Cline, Elizabeth Collins, Kevin Colwell, Tiasha Dargins and Mamadou Diallo.