Employee Engagement Survey underway

Your feedback matters
Monday, January 29, 2018

UNC Charlotte is participating in a UNC System-wide Employee Engagement Survey, which launched Monday, Jan. 29. All permanent employees at the University should receive the survey from “ModernThink” via email and are encouraged to participate.

The survey is part of a five-year initiative to support the UNC System Strategic Plan’s goal of fostering diverse and excellent institutions. One step toward that goal is gaining clearer measurements about workplace engagement. Among the topics included in the survey are: collaboration, communication, supervision, workplace culture and benefits.

According to a recent email from Chancellor Philip L. Dubois, the data received from this survey will help the University “build and sustain an environment that attracts and retains excellent faculty and staff.”

Employees are encouraged to make time in their workdays to share their feedback. All responses are confidential, and participation is voluntary.  Results are expected sometime this summer.

The survey will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 12.

For more information, visit the survey website.