University named a nominating institution for Pew Scholars Program

UNC Charlotte is now a nominating entity for the Pew Scholars Program in Biomedical Sciences, one of the most prestigious junior-faculty fellowships in the field.
Participating institutions are selected on the basis of the scope of their work in biomedical research and recommended to the Pew Charitable Trusts by the National Advisory Committee of the program.
Currently, fewer than 180 universities are designated as participating institutions by the Pew Charitable Trusts. UNC Charlotte joins Duke University, North Carolina State University and UNC Chapel Hill as nominating entities in North Carolina.
Rebekah Rogers, assistant professor of Bioinformatics and Genomics, and Larry Mays, professor and chair of Bioinformatics and Genomics, along with former Vice Chancellor Bob Wilhelm, championed UNC Charlotte’s inclusion; the University has experienced tremendous growth and is an emerging force in biomedical programs and research.
The University will be able to nominate its own faculty candidates to compete for this fellowship.
“Being on the list of nominators will help promote our reputation as a research university with exciting new labs.” Rogers said. “I believe it will help with faculty recruitment and raise our profile in the biomedical field.”
Assistant professors of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health are eligible for the Pew Scholars Program. The award provides $300,000 in flexible support — $75,000 per year for a four-year period.
During the four-year term, program participants are required to attend an annual meeting held in March. All expenses for attendees’ travel, lodging and meals are paid by Pew Charitable Trusts. The meeting provides Pew scholars with an opportunity to present their research and for scientific collaboration and exchange with other scholars and members of the National Advisory Committee.
Learn more about the Pew Biomedical Scholars Program.