An expression of appreciation: ‘Hands for Our Heroes’

One student’s idea recently sparked a chain of kindness on campus. Wanting to show appreciation for campus heroes in Police and Public Safety (PPS) and Emergency Management, a student in the Collegiate Recovery Community had the idea to make and deliver care packages to the two departments.
After hearing the idea, Cassidy Conway, the graduate assistant for the Collegiate Recovery Community jumped into action, helping to organize donations and assistance. More than 40 volunteers gathered in the Cone University Center last week to fill bags with handwritten notes and donations such as tissues, candy, hand sanitizer, granola bars, air fresheners and bottled water. The group then delivered the 74 care packages to the FM/PPS Building.
The Collegiate Recovery Community is a program administered by the UNC Charlotte Center for Wellness Promotion. The mission of the Collegiate Recovery Community is to provide a nurturing, affirming environment in which students recovering from addictive disorders can successfully pursue academic, personal and professional goals for the purpose of enhancing their quality of life and becoming productive members of society.