Congratulations 2024 Staff Employee of the Year Award recipients

Categories: General News Tags: Human Resources

The five outstanding 2024 Staff Employee of the Year Award recipients were honored for their hard work and dedication to the campus community and beyond at a reception Wednesday, April 10, in the Popp Martin Student Union.

“So many of our dedicated employees go above and beyond to make this University a great place to work, to learn and to create,” said Chancellor Sharon L. Gaber. “I congratulate the recipients of the 2024 Staff Employees Awards on their well-deserved honor.”

“These awards serve as a beacon of recognition for those who tirelessly work behind the scenes, often without seeking acknowledgment, to make UNC Charlotte a better place for all,” said Deidra Harris-Lumpkins, associate vice chancellor for human resources.

2024 Employee of the Year: Devotion to Duty Award
Barbara Seyter, deputy director of Undergraduate Admissions

Barbara Seyter

“Barb is the unsung hero of the Undergraduate Admissions Office. It is in large part because of Barb that Undergraduate Admissions has been able to manage a yearly increase in application volume, get accurate admissions decisions out in a timely manner and enroll record classes.” — Sarah Humphries Nazionale, director of undergraduate admissions.

Watch the video honoring Seyter.

2024 Employee of the Year: Human Relations
Patrick Madsen, associate dean for advising and experiential learning

Patrick Madsen

“Patrick has a positive, enthusiastic demeanor that radiates. His presentations inspire people to sit up straighter, listen more intently and hear what he is saying — whether he’s presenting to stakeholders, external partners or prospective students and their families. His expertise shines because he truly believes in what he speaks.” — Audra Esposito, associate director of academic advising.

View the video honoring Madsen.

2024 Employee of the Year: Innovation
Ashton Atmore, simulation technician, School of Nursing

Ashton Atmore

“On a daily basis, Ashton operates no less than four different technologies that allow UNC Charlotte students to receive realistic, immersive educational experiences without risk to live patients. He also implemented a new electronic health record, so students can perform electronic documentation of patient encounters during simulation scenarios.” — Melinda Pierce, simulation and interdisciplinary practice coordinator and lecturer, School of Nursing.

View the video honoring Atmore.

2024 Employee of the Year: Leadership and Community Engagement
Mikala Harvey, program director, leadership and community engagement

Mikala Harvey

“Mikala’s leadership of the Students Engaging in Rewarding Volunteer Experiences team illustrates her commitment to community engagement and student empowerment. Under her guidance, the team has grown to include 23 members across five committees, partnered with 21 local nonprofits and facilitated over 150 hours of service involving 60 student volunteers.” — Jes Dormady, assistant director, leadership and community engagement.

View the video honoring Harvey.

2024 Employee of the Year: Safety and Heroism
Cpl. James Rusher, Police and Public Safety Department

James Rusher

“James’ actions and response prevented what could have been a tragedy on our campus. He is an outstanding member of the UNC Charlotte Police Department and was recently promoted to corporal.” — Jeffrey Baker, chief, UNC Charlotte police

View the video honoring Rusher.

View more photos from the 2024 Employee of the Year Awards reception.