Belk College of Business

Economist forecasts slow economic growth trend to continue

Is the economic forecast partly sunny or partly cloudy? Both, said UNC Charlotte economist John Connaughton. On the bright side, North Carolina’s unemployment rate is now lower than the U.S. rate, and the economy continues to grow. However, the economic expansion is slowing down, Connaughton stated during the Babson Capital Management/UNC Charlotte Economic Forecast.

Learn more about Belk College graduate programs

UNC Charlotte employees can learn more about graduate programs offered by the Belk College of Business at an information session scheduled for noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, July 27, in Friday Building, Room 142.

Details on academics and admissions will be provided, and a representative from human resources will discuss tuition benefits.

A free boxed lunch will be provided individuals who RSVP in advance.

Sluggish economy forecast for rest of 2016 and 2017

The North Carolina economy continues to grow, but at a lackluster pace, UNC Charlotte economist John Connaughton reported today in the Babson Capital Management/UNC Charlotte Economic Forecast.

Faces – Lee Perkins

Lee Perkins has been a full-time UNC Charlotte employee for 10 years, but his association with the University began as a student.

The Asheville native enrolled as a prospective engineering major but later completed a bachelor’s degree in management information systems from the Belk College of Business.

And today, he works for the college as a technical support analyst after beginning in the Office of Classroom Support.

Business student places second in innovation competition

Jonathan Rasmussen, a senior majoring in operations and supply chain management in the Belk College of Business, received $250 and second-place honors in the undergraduate division of the student competition at Innovate Carolina. This annual conference is organized by the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Carolinas chapter.

Rasmussen’s concept is to improve public transportation through new technologies like mobile pay, smart apps and partnerships that will improve the convenience, reliability and quality of service.

Belk College honors faculty and staff with annual awards

The Belk College of Business recently presented annual awards to faculty and staff who have excelled in teaching, research and service. This year’s recipients are:

U.S. News ranks part-time MBA among nation’s top programs

UNC Charlotte’s Belk College of Business made big gains in the part-time MBA rankings by U.S. News and World Report, placing among the top 20 percent of all business schools nationwide.

The Belk College’s part-time MBA jumped 27 spots in the 2017 “Best Graduate Schools” rankings released Wednesday, landing at No. 59 among national universities and No. 35 among public schools. UNC Charlotte tied at No. 59 with 7 other schools including University of Connecticut, University of Richmond, and University of Colorado-Boulder.

Connaughton says, ‘Economy stable, but watch for wild cards this year’

The North Carolina economy continues to grow, but there are several areas to watch in 2016, UNC Charlotte economist John Connaughton reported today in the Babson Capital Management/UNC Charlotte Economic Forecast.

MBA named a ‘Tier 1’ program by CEO magazine

UNC Charlotte’s MBA again has been recognized as a top program in the country. CEO Magazine has ranked the Belk College of Business’ MBA in its “Tier 1” for North American universities in the newly released 2016 CEO Magazine Global MBA rankings.

For pharmaceutical companies, more marketing equals less innovation

Turn on a TV and be bombarded by ads for new medications. Yet, new research indicates that the firms that aggressively market these drugs are less likely to produce truly pioneering ones.

In studies published by UNC Charlotte faculty members Denis Arnold and Jennifer Troyer, research shows the more pharmaceutical firms spend on marketing drugs, the less likely it is that the firm will produce breakthrough drugs that offer major advances in treatment.