Business Affairs

UNC Charlotte continues to cut energy costs

In the past fiscal year, UNC Charlotte’s energy consumption has decreased by about 5 percent, resulting in a 1 percent reduction in total utility costs. Yet, gross square footage on campus increased by 4 percent during the same time frame.

Tony Schallert, energy manager in facilities management, noted the reductions are a result of the University’s performance contract that replaced inefficient lighting in older buildings and the more proficient energy-saving initiatives employed in new construction.

Sept. 3 ‘Live Wire’ to focus on executive education

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

Jaime Bochantin, assistant professor of communications and organizational science, and Karen Ward, assistant director of executive education, will be the guests on the Sept. 3 edition of “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast.

Starting at 2 p.m., Thursday, they will discuss the University’s programs for executives and senior leaders; these offerings provide executives with the latest knowledge and research that they can apply directly to their companies.

LiveSafe mobile app topic for Aug. 27 ‘Live Wire’

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

Jeff Baker, chief of the UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety Department, and Lt. Brian Thomas will be  guests on the Aug. 27 edition of “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast. Starting at 2 p.m., Thursday, they will discuss LiveSafe, a free mobile device application for UNC Charlotte students, faculty and staff to instantly share safety and security concerns PPS. Students and employees can download the free app on their smart phones and tablets through iTunes and Google Play.

University officer injured foiling thief who preyed on campus

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

A UNC Charlotte police officer is being hailed as a hero for chasing down a larceny suspect and sustaining a serious head injury just before the individual was apprehended.

Officer Kasey Lowe was injured on Monday, Aug. 24, while chasing a subject who was suspected of stealing laptops, wallets and other personal items from students, faculty and staff  in two campus academic buildings, said UNC Charlotte police chief Jeff Baker.

Lowe was on patrol when she spotted the suspect on the UNC Charlotte campus. She immediately gave chase on foot, Baker said.

Roadway, construction projects to greet students, returning faculty

The start of the fall 2015 semester is approaching, and University officials advise students and returning faculty to pay close attention to several transportation and construction upgrades, that, until completed, could result in disruptions navigating the UNC Charlotte campus.

Nearly 5,700 students will move into residence halls starting Friday, Aug. 21.  Students, faculty and staff members should anticipate more traffic and plan accordingly when entering or exiting campus, especially on Friday. Campus police will direct traffic on Friday and Saturday.

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less to start Aug. 31

A new offering of the 15-week weight-management program Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is scheduled to begin Monday, Aug. 31.

This program has been developed by health experts, and State Health Plan members can participate for $30 with a $25 refund for those who attend 10 of the 15 sessions.

During the one-hour classroom sessions, an experienced instructor will provide information and motivation for participants to make healthy choices related to nutrition and physical activitiy.

Work continues on light rail extension

The Charlotte Area Transit Authority’s Blue Line Extension construction team continues efforts to prepare the campus for light area.

Major changes have occurred along North Tryon Street and along the path to the UNC Charlotte Main Station, and crews have started to build the ramp for the underpass that approaches campus. Workers also have advanced the bridge construction across Toby Creek toward the station.

Staff garden relocated, yielding results

The UNC Charlotte Staff Community Garden, an initiative of the Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness, was relocated from behind the Facilities Management/PPS Building to the backyard of the Niner House, near the Robinson Hall for the Performing Arts.

With funding from facilities management, and a little sweat equity from staff and student employees, the 14 new, raised-bed plots were constructed and readied for planting. After some initial setup, plants at the new location are taking off.

New interactive map to aid navigating campus

On July 15, the UNC Charlotte Facilities Management Department launched a new campus resource aimed at helping faculty, staff, students and visitors explore the campus.

The facilities management information systems team, using Google Maps as a building block, has created an interactive map that offers a wealth of information that individuals can access even before they come to campus.

26 employees graduate second-year Business Manager Certification program

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

The second class of participants in the University Business Manager Certification program recently graduated and were recognized for their accomplishments.

The program, offered through the Department of Financial Services, provide professional development for teams managing department financial resources using accounting, budgeting, and financial analysis methods and a range of personnel processes.