Facilities Management

Belk Plaza construction to begin

Beginning Monday, Feb. 12, the perimeter of Belk Plaza will be fenced off as renovations to this area commence. A section of sidewalk will be closed between the plaza and the east side of the Atkins Library; pedestrians will be rerouted around the plaza perimeter. Work to transform Belk Plaza is expected to continue through Tuesday, June 12.

Learn more about the “reimagining” of Belk Plaza.

University competing in RecycleMania

UNC Charlotte again is participating in RecycleMania, a competition designed to promoted waste reduction at colleges and universities across the United States and Canada.

This year’s contest is Feb. 4 through March 31; the University’s Sustainability and Recycling teams are facilitating UNC Charlotte’s participation.  

North Tryon construction to affect traffic around Institute Circle

Construction crews have closed the right lane of northbound traffic along North Tryon Street just before Institute Circle to Barton Creek Drive.

This lane closure is expected to be in place weekdays through Jan. 31, except for peak traffic times (4:30 to 6:30 p.m.). It may be in effect around the clock on the weekend.

Members of the campus community who use entrances to campus off North Tryon Street should remain alert and exercise caution during this, and all, construction projects.

Temporary lane closure scheduled along Cameron Boulevard

A temporary closure of the eastbound lane of Cameron Boulevard in front of Wallis Hall is scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon, Friday, Jan. 26.

Workers will complete asphalt patching along the new concrete curb and the bus pull-off. Flaggers will direct traffic in the work area to maintain two-way travel.

Exercise caution when approaching construction zones; expect construction personnel and equipment.

Horne appointed director of facilities planning

Kathryn Horne, previously the director of university space management and utilization, has been appointed director of facilities planning. She joined UNC Charlotte’s Facilities Management Department in 2015.

In her new role, Horne will guide the development of the campus in accordance with UNC Charlotte’s current Master Plan. She will be responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive capital construction plans in collaboration with other divisions of the University. 

Phillips Road closure scheduled

Phillips Road in front of Duke Hall will be closed temporarily from Friday, Dec. 22, through Tuesday, Dec. 26, to install a waterline.

Expect barricades, construction personnel and equipment in the area; a detour will be through Parking Lot 23.

Temporary closure of Cone Lane

From 8 a.m. to noon, Monday, Dec. 18, the north end of Cone Lane and the east entrance to Cone Deck 2 will be closed temporarily to remove and replace the Cone Center cooling tower.

The Cone Deck visitor parking will be open; gate access to the Cone Decks will be via the west entrance near Belk Gym.

Temporary closure of Union Lane scheduled

One lane along Union Lane will be closed from Monday, Dec. 18, through Saturday, Jan. 6, to install underground utilities that cross the roadway as part of the Union Deck Expansion Project.

Flag personnel will allow one lane of traffic at a time. Steel plates will cover the road cut nightly.

Expect construction personnel and equipment in the area and possible delays in getting into or out of the fourth-level entry of the Union Parking Deck.

Exercise caution when approaching construction zones.

Part of Cameron Boulevard to close temporarily

The eastbound land of Cameron Boulevard between Poplar Lane and Wallis Hall will be closed from Monday, Dec. 18, through Sunday, Dec. 24, to complete installation of new crosswalks and curbs for the bus pull-off.

Barricades and detour signs will be in place. Exercise caution when approaching construction areas.

Eudy needs shared leave

Jarrett “Neal” Eudy, Facilities Management, Zone 2, needs shared leave donations.

To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, contact Joy Finney, benefits counselor, at 704‑687‑0648.