Facilities Management

Celebrate Earth Day remotely
Celebrating Earth Day is a UNC Charlotte favorite tradition. Due to coronavirus stay-at-home orders, the annual campus cleanup isn’t possible. Students, faculty and staff can, however, scan take pics or videos of themselves cleaning up their own neighborhoods and post them using #unccrecycles and #earthday2020.In recognition of Earth Day 2020, here are some of the ways UNC Charlotte protects the environment:
Roberts needs shared leave
Linda Roberts, Recycling, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through April 15.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.

Help beautify campus, plant a tree
Members of the campus community can participate in two scheduled tree plantings Thursday, March 19, as part of the University’s Earth Semester activities.The first tree planting is from 9 to 10 a.m. at Martin Hall; the second will be from 1 to 2 p.m. at South Village Crossing. RSVPs are requested.
Dempsey needs shared leave
Reginald Dempsey, Building Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through March 11.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.

University to celebrate ‘Earth Semester’ for 50th Earth Day
Academic Affairs and the Office of Sustainability are collaborating to expand the University’s annual Earth Month celebration to “Earth Semester” in recognition of this year’s 50th Earth Day.Traditionally observed April 22, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1970. In recent years, the University’s Earth Month expanded to increase awareness beyond one day. Last year marked the largest event yet and featured an Earth Day Festival in Belk Plaza.

Construction to affect PORTAL Service Drive
The entrance to PORTAL Service Drive and ADA parking will be closed from 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 7, through 5 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 9, for construction related to the hotel/conference center.
Scheduled campus disruptions through Dec. 31
The following projects are scheduled and may cause disruptions Monday, Dec. 16, through Tuesday, Dec. 31.
Temporary lane closure scheduled
The southbound lane of Robert D. Snyder Road will be closed between the PORTAL loading dock and CRI Deck entrance from Dec. 16-23; the closure will be coordinated daily to ensure the road is open for Charlotte Early Engineering College drop off and pick up times.Expect flaggers to direct traffic around the lane closure; remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.This is an update to a previous posting.

Faces – Nathaniel ‘Lee’ Snodgrass
UNC Charlotte encompasses more than 1,000 acres and 100-plus buildings, and that’s just the main campus. It takes a lot to keep it functioning well, not to mention beautiful, for the University’s students, employees and visitors. For eight years, Nathaniel “Lee” Snodgrass has made sure it all works together.
Emergency response drill scheduled for Nov. 15
UNC Charlotte, in partnership with the Charlotte Fire Department (CFD), will conduct a small-scale drill on Friday, Nov. 15, at North Deck. The drill will begin around 1 p.m. and will continue for approximately four hours.The drill will be an initial testing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) developed between the University and CFD on how to respond to on-campus fire emergencies. The drill will allow CFD to test important fire-suppression equipment and capabilities on campus to ensure they are in good working order.