Facilities Management

University again recognized as a ‘green college’
UNC Charlotte has been recognized for its sustainability efforts for the third time by the Princeton Review’s “Guide to Green Colleges.” This guide helps prospective students understand colleges and universities’ environmental responsibility.
Slaughter needs shared leave
Scot Slaughter, Building and Environmental Services, needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Nov. 12.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.
Lane closures scheduled for asphalt repairs
On Friday, Oct. 25, there will be lane closures on Craver Road near the Popp Martin Student Union and Phillips Road near Hayes Stadium to repair asphalt.Expect flaggers to assist with traffic diversion and paving equipment and personnel at these sites.
Sidewalk closures scheduled
Sidewalks near the Garinger Building will be closed through Sunday, Nov. 10, for repairs to the underground roof drainage piping system.All building entrances will be open but expect construction equipment, personnel and noise.

Sustainability Week to include film screening, campus cleanup and more
UNC Charlotte’s 2019 Campus Sustainability Week is Monday through Friday, Oct. 14-18. This annual observance engages the University community in sustainable practices on campus.Get Outside, It’s Movie Night: “An American Ascent”

Temporary closure scheduled along Mary Alexander Road
Mary Alexander Road will be closed to through traffic south of CAB Lane and north of the pedestrian stairs beside Hickory Hall from Friday, Oct. 4, to Tuesday, Oct. 8. This closure is related to construction of the new science building.Barricades will be built to restrict traffic, and the sidewalk will be closed between the barricades.
Survey participants sought for University area thoroughfare study
UNC Charlotte, University City Partners, Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) and North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) are conducting a University Area Thoroughfares Study in order to improve access and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicles that may enter and exit UNC Charlotte’s main campus. The study is in the initial public involvement phase that includes a survey, in which all University stakeholders (faculty, staff, students and visitors) are encouraged to participate.

Facilities Management establishes UNC System’s first apprenticeship program
UNC Charlotte’s Facilities Management (FM) Department recently became the first in the UNC System to offer an apprenticeship program for trade careers.
Temporary closure of sidewalks on east side of Cameron Boulevard
Sidewalks at the northeast corner of the intersection of Cameron Boulevard and Craver Road will be closed from Tuesday, Aug. 27, through Friday, Aug. 30, to install new sidewalks as part of the University Recreation Center project.Detour signs will be posted to direct pedestrians to the west side of Cameron Boulevard between the Union Deck and Craver Road.

Moore Hall removal to pave way for a new residence hall
In their heyday, Moore and Sanford halls were at the center of campus life. Moore Hall residents had their own newsletter, and the dorm also had classroom space. One former resident recalled the convenience of having an algebra class held in the facility. “The ability to go downstairs half-awake in my P.J.s for an 8 a.m. class did not improve my performance,” the former student shared.