For Students

CAPS same-day initial appointments model yielding early success

The Center for Counseling and Psychological Services introduced a new service model last semester, the “same-day access model,” and the early results are impressive.

Under the previous model, by the 10th week of the fall 2022 semester, only 63% of students had shown up for their first counseling appointment. For fall 2023, there was a 100% show rate by the 10th week.

Paper towel composting pilot program launches

Did you know that paper towels and compostable paper make up about 20% of the waste collected from UNC Charlotte buildings? This is the largest single item that the campus community can divert from the landfill.  

Paper towel composting pilot program launches

Did you know that paper towels and compostable paper make up about 20% of the waste collected from UNC Charlotte buildings? This is the largest single item that the campus community can divert from the landfill.  

Meet Summer Prentice

Categories: Students Tags: For Students

Summer Prentice is a fifth-year civil and environmental engineering major with a minor in mathematics. Learn about her reasons for choosing UNC Charlotte, club involvement and where she got her first tattoo. 

Why did you choose UNC Charlotte?

UCAE to launch accountability groups pilot program

The University Center for Academic Excellence is creating a pilot program for the spring 2024 semester called accountability groups, which will offer Charlotte students structured individual work time.

Accountability groups, facilitated by student leaders, will meet weekly for 90 minutes during the semester. These groups are designed to help members learn and practice productive study habits, connect with peers and provide dedicated time to work on individual tasks.

UCAE to launch accountability groups pilot program

The University Center for Academic Excellence is creating a pilot program for the spring 2024 semester called accountability groups, which will offer Charlotte students structured individual work time.

Accountability groups, facilitated by student leaders, will meet weekly for 90 minutes during the semester. These groups are designed to help members learn and practice productive study habits, connect with peers and provide dedicated time to work on individual tasks.

Learn more about the Office of Threat Assessment and Management

As part its ongoing commitment to campus safety and security, the University established the Office of Threat Assessment and Management within the Department of Safety and Security, under the direction of Heather Kloeker-Webster.

Meet Bryonna Gray

Bryonna Gray is a junior computer science major in the Honors College. Learn why she chose UNC Charlotte, where she hangs out on campus when she isn’t studying and her love for eight ball. 

Why did you choose UNC Charlotte?

I chose UNC Charlotte because of the different concentrations within the computer science degree. My career interests are web and mobile app development, so I chose the web and mobile app concentration. 

Have you obtained any awards or accolades here during your time? 

Learn more about the Office of Threat Assessment and Management

As part its ongoing commitment to campus safety and security, the University established the Office of Threat Assessment and Management within the Department of Safety and Security, under the direction of Heather Kloeker-Webster.

Meet First Gen Niners

First-generation Niners, or students who are the first in their families to attend college, make up a large percentage of UNC Charlotte’s population.