Lee College of Engineering

UNC Charlotte faculty members addressing coal ash solutions
UNC Charlotte faculty members are among a prestigious group of experts seeking safe and practical solutions for disposing of coal ash. The University has convened a blue-ribbon panel of nationally recognized experts to serve on an independent board that will review Duke Energy’s strategy and procedures for closing its ash impoundments in North Carolina and throughout the nation.

July, August EEAO raffle winners named
The Energy and Environmental Assistance Office has released the winners of its July and August raffles, which were incentive to faculty and staff members to help improve Charlotte air quality during the summer ozone season.

Rocket team soars again at NIWeek
For its innovative and efficient application of National Instruments products, the Lee College of Engineering’s Rocket Team won a chance to travel to Austin, Texas, to present at the 20th annual NIWeek. Out of 3,250 student projects submitted from 25 countries for the Student Design Competition, National Instruments selected the 49er team as one of three finalists.

Classes to begin at Charlotte Engineering Early College
Classes get under way Monday, Aug. 25, at the new Charlotte Engineering Early College, located in the shadow of EPIC. It is the first of its kind for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS).
The inaugural class of 100 ninth-graders from across Mecklenburg County will delve into a curriculum that focuses on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) courses, with a special emphasis on energy and engineering. A new school building was constructed near CRI Deck 1 for this collaboration between CMS and UNC Charlotte.

Engineering students compete in UK railway challenge
Teaming up with students from England’s University of Birmingham, two graduate students from the Lee College Engineering participated in the third annual Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Railway Challenge this summer, where they learned that building a working electric locomotive is a real challenge.
Civil engineering master’s students Ben Gorman and Matt Washing traveled to Leicestershire, England, for the event, which pitted five teams against each other in the design and construction of a 15th-scale locomotive.

AREVA, UNC Charlotte to honor engineering leadership, innovation
AREVA TN Americas and UNC Charlotte’s William States Lee College of Engineering are partnering to recognize engineering and innovation in the Carolinas this fall through “Honoring our Legacy: Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders.”
A division of AREVA Inc., AREVA TN Americas will be the lead sponsor for this annual engineering legacy banquet, scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 4. Organizers anticipate more than 200 engineering student scholars, engineering leaders and Lee College supporters to attend this invitation-only event.

Faces – Lauren Beastall
Research is an integral part of the University’s mission, and Lauren Beastall endeavors to assist Lee College of Engineering faculty members in pursuit of funding for basic and applied research projects.
“I view my role as one that helps facilitate the research of the faculty members, as well as to assist staff in the post-award administration of the grants,” said Beastall, director of contracts and grants for the Lee College. “Our goal is to ease the administrative burden for our faculty as they complete the grants process and to make it as easy as possible.”

Engineering professor creates new artwork to inspire students
Recently a painting of an SR-71 Mach 3 jet was added to the stairwell in Duke Centennial Hall. It is the latest creation by Peter Tkacik, an associate professor of mechanical engineering and engineering science in the William States Lee College of Engineering.

Grigg Hall honors former Duke Energy leader
Dedicated on Sept. 8, 2006, William H. Grigg Hall is home to a number of Charlotte Research Institute offices and facilities, including the Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications.

Formula 1 racer to visit campus
Simona de Silvestro, a Sauber Formula 1 affiliate driver, will be on campus from 5 to 7:30 p.m., Thursday, July 24, in the Motorsports Research Lab. Students, alumni, industry partners and members of the campus community are invited to attend the event, which will feature a preview of the clean air energy Formula 1 racecar, guest speakers and refreshments.
RSVPs are requested; email fcausey@uncc.edu.