
University Title IX series to continue with panel discussion

As part of “Forty IX’ers: Know Your Title IX” series, the University will host the panel discussion “The SpeficIX: How to Get Help” at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 10, in the Student Union, Room 340ABC.

The “Forty IX’ers: Know Your Title IX” series is sponsored by the UNC Charlotte Title IX Office, Center for Wellness Promotion and the Dean of Students Office, in conjunction with the Feminist Union. Its purpose is to address issues of sexual assault, stalking and relationship violence.

Four-part series ‘Forty IXers: Know Your Title IX’ scheduled

UNC Charlotte’s Title IX Office, the Center for Wellness Promotion and Dean of Students Office, in conjunction with the Feminist Union, will present the four-part series “Forty IX’ers: Know Your Title IX.” The series will offer panel discussions, resources and additional learning opportunities related to Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act (also called Campus SaVE).

PPS to hold ‘Operation Medicine Drop’

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs, Safety

The UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety Department (PPS) will conduct “Operation Medicine Drop” from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, Sept. 26, in the Student Health Center Multipurpose Room (112H).
During this event, prescription and over-the-counter medications can be brought in, no questions asked, to be safely discarded. Individuals should bring medications in the original bottles that indicate the drug name and dosage; personal information may be removed for confidentiality purposes.

University to test emergency alert system Sept 17

UNC Charlotte will test its Whelen Alert sirens, PIER emergency text messaging and Alertus emergency alert software between 2 and 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 17.

New office to oversee University’s Title IX coordination

Colleges and universities that receive federal funding must comply with regulations outlined in Title IX of the U.S. Education Amendments of 1972, which have been revised a number of times since their passage.

University conducts emergency response simulation with city, county agencies

Categories: General News Tags: Campus Safety, Safety

Training is essential to the University’s efforts to maintain a safe and secure campus. Recently, UNC Charlotte held an emergency response simulation at Jerry Richardson Stadium, in conjunction with City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County agencies.

Aug. 6 emergency response simulation to include CMPD, CFD

UNC Charlotte police, business continuity, communication, and facilities personnel will participate in a limited, emergency response simulation on campus Wednesday, Aug. 6. The activity is another example of the University working closely with local first responders to enhance campus safety and security.

UNC Charlotte police introduce new iPad initiative

UNC Charlotte’s Police and Public Safety Department (PPS) has launched a new initiative to equip all campus officers with an iPad for use in the field. It is an effort to increase police proficiency through cost-effective measures.
“We are a research-based police department,” said Jeffrey Baker, UNC Charlotte chief of police.  “We continually strive to stay out in front by researching methods of policing that can help ensure that we are doing the best in providing a safe and secure environment.

Technological advances prompted change in student education records policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act was passed 40 years ago, and recent changes to the University’s student education records policy address advances in technology since FERPA became law in August 1974.
“Our definition of directory information was similar to that of other colleges and universities across the country,” said Jesh Humphrey, deputy general counsel with the Office of Legal Affairs. “However, a couple of months ago, the chancellor asked the Office of Legal Affairs and the Registrar’s Office to review our policy to better protect our students’ privacy.”

State Labor Department recognizes UNC Charlotte with safety award

The N.C. Department of Labor recently bestowed its Silver Safety Achievement Award to the University for reducing injuries and providing a safe and healthy working, teaching and learning environment in 2013.
Darius Griffin, director of the Environmental Health & Safety Office, said the honor illustrates the campus community’s commitment to fostering a culture of safety at the University. “The leadership and dedication of UNC Charlotte employees has been essential in building and maintaining an awareness of safety on campus.”