Student Affairs

‘Me Too’ activist Tarana Burke to speak

Civil rights activist Tarana Burke will speak at 7 p.m., Monday, April 8, in the Popp Martin Student Union Multipurpose Room.

Award-winning author to keynote ‘Feminisms and Freedom’ event

Categories: General News Tags: Student Affairs

On Wednesday, April 3, the Office of Identity, Equity and Engagement, Women’s and Gender Studies and campus partners aim to redefine intersectional feminism during “{WEMOVE}: Feminisms and Freedom.” This daylong event is being held in the Popp Martin Student Union Multipurpose Room.

Keynote speaker Bettina Love will discuss “Abolitionist Teaching: What Can and What Can’t Happen without Black Feminism?”

University to hold annual campus memorial service

The annual UNC Charlotte Memorial Service will be at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 11, at the Harris Alumni Center at Johnson Glen.

This service is held in remembrance of students, faculty and staff who have died within the last year (April 2018 to April 2019).

Christine Reed Davis, dean of students, and Stephen Cheyney, executive director and campus minister of the Cooperative Christian Ministry, will give remarks. A candle lighting will follow.

TEDxUNCCharlotte event available via live stream

Individuals unable to secure a ticket to attend the inaugural TEDxUNCCharlotte event on Friday, March 22, will be able to view the presentations via live stream.

The Office of University Communications is providing live stream coverage of the talks between 12:30 and 5 p.m.

Twelve speakers will deliver presentations on the topic “The Power of You Makes It Possible.”

Student nominees sought for Leadership Fellows

Nominate a student for Leadership Fellows, a program that promotes, trains and develops specific skills desired by students interested in leadership roles. Through practical applications, experiential learning and related topics specific to leadership development, students will make positive contributions to University organizations and the surrounding community. 

Leadership Fellows at UNC Charlotte is intended for sophomores, juniors or seniors.

Short-term student emergency housing program launched

Categories: General News Tags: Student Affairs

At universities nationwide, homelessness is having an impact on student retention rates, which affects students’ ability to matriculate and earn a college degree.

According to the Student Assistance and Support Services (SASS) Office in the Division of Student Affairs, some UNC Charlotte students are experiencing housing insecurity, with some reporting living in their cars or couch-surfing at the homes of friends and family members.

New students selected to serve as orientation counselors

Thirty-six new students recently joined New Student and Family Services as members of the 2019 orientation counselor team.

N.C. Campus Compact recognizes University administrator as a leader in civic engagement

Sean Langley is the 2019 recipient of the Civic Engagement Professional of the Year Award from North Carolina Campus Compact.

TEDxUNCCharlotte speakers finalized, tickets to go on sale

Twelve speakers will deliver presentations at UNC Charlotte’s first-ever live TEDx event scheduled for Friday, March 22, in the Cone University Center.

Housing and Residence Life, Sustainability Office expand EcoReps program

This past fall, Housing and Residence Life and the Sustainability Office instituted a campus EcoReps pilot program with three students. Recently, the initiative added nine more participants.

A nationwide program, EcoReps provides an opportunity for students to assume a leadership role within their residence halls. Students provide peer-to-peer education to increase awareness of campus sustainability efforts.