Student Affairs

Applications accepted for commencement bell ringer

The Dean of Students Office is seeking bell ringers for May’s commencement ceremonies. Faculty and staff should encourage graduating students to apply for this prestigious honor.Bell ringer is a tradition that recognizes outstanding student leaders who have demonstrated exemplary 49er spirit. All applicants must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA and be in good disciplinary standing. Applications are due by 11:45 p.m., Sunday, March 15.More information is on the web or call 704-687-0343.

Nominations accepted for student awards/honors

The Dean of Students Office is seeking nominations for the following awards: Chancellor’s Citations for Leadership and Service, Bonnie Cone Leadership, Noble Niner, Chuck Lynch and Derrick Griffith Servant Leader.These honors recognize students who have made significant contributions to UNC Charlotte during their undergraduate careers and are given annually to graduating seniors who have shown outstanding qualities of scholarship and leadership. 

UNC Charlotte receives national recognition for military support

UNC Charlotte earned a 2020-21 Military Friendly Schools Bronze Award recently for its commitment to military service members, veterans and their dependents.

Faces – Paula Keeton

Categories: General News Tags: Faces, Student Affairs

Paula Keeton, Ph.D., recently joined UNC Charlotte as director of the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and she believes in the power of community.With 25 years of experience providing mental health services in college and university settings, Keeton now oversees the development, implementation and administration of clinical, outreach and training services for CAPS.During her career, Keeton has witnessed the shift in mental health offerings on campuses across the country.

Faces – Nassim Nozartash

Nassim Nozartash joined New Student & Family Services in July 2019 as its assistant director. In her role, she helps students and families transition to University life during SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising and Registration) and throughout their first year as 49ers.  

Hidden Gems: Three unique UREC features you don’t want to miss

Potentially lost in the five story, 148,000-square-foot building, are a few subtle features created to give the facility a personal and distinctively Niner touch.

Distinguished educator, legendary political activist to address ‘Radical Resilience’

Categories: General News Tags: Student Affairs

Activist, social justice advocate and professor emerita Angela Davis will address “Radical Resilience: Thriving in the Face of Oppression” at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the Popp Martin Student Union, Room 340.

TEDxUNCCharlotte 2020 speakers to address ‘Thinking Future. Thinking Forward’

Categories: General News Tags: Student Affairs

In its second year, TEDxUNCCharlotte will host 14 speakers during the University’s independently organized TEDx event on Friday, March 27. Live talks will center on the theme, “Thinking Future. Thinking Forward.”

Resolve for 2020: Support 49ers4Life

A New Year’s resolution that is easily kept and successfully accomplished before the end of January does exist.

Start 2020 off in a meaningful way, by rolling up a sleeve at the annual 49ers4Life Blood Drive.

Noted entrepreneur to deliver MLK Celebration address

Categories: General News Tags: Student Affairs

Randal Pinkett will be the featured speaker at this year’s celebration of the life, work and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. His public presentation, “Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?” will be at 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21, in the Cone University Center, McKnight Hall.