First Chancellor’s Fishing Derby set for March 25

UNC Charlotte faculty and staff – the wait is over – the inaugural Chancellor’s Fishing Derby will be Saturday, March 25, at Hechenbleikner Lake.
Registration is underway for this catch-and-release derby, which will feature three 45-minute sessions that start at 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. University faculty and staff members (and their guests) can compete in any or all three sessions; the cost is $8 per spot/per session. A fishing license is not required.
Located near the main entrance of the University, Hechenbleikner Lake is stocked with largemouth bass, crappie, carp, bluegill and bream. Prizes will be awarded for the most fish caught (total number), heaviest largemouth bass and the youngest participant to catch a fish.
Prizes include chancellor’s box seats to a 2017 Charlotte 49ers home football game or a 2017-18 men’s basketball game or gift certificates from Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte.
Chancellor Philip L. Dubois, Recreational Services and the UNC Charlotte Bass Fishing Club are hosting this special faculty and staff event. Employees are encouraged to register and bring their family and friends. Refreshments and T-shirts will be provided.
Proceeds from the contest will benefit the UNC Charlotte Bass Fishing Club.
Event co-sponsors are Riley’s Catch, Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte, Bass Pro Shops, Canteen, Farm Bureau, Pepsi, the Popp Martin Student Union and the Cone University Center.
On the day of the fishing derby, faculty and staff members can use their tournament wristband to purchase brunch at SoVi Dining Hall, a short walk from the lake. The cost of brunch is $6 per person plus tax. Guests accompanying tournament participants are eligible for the discounted price
The March 25 Chancellor’s Fishing Derby is the rescheduled date for an event that was planned for fall 2016; however, the derby that day had to be postponed due problematic weather resulting from Hurricane Matthew.