Lecture series to explore upcoming presidential election in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A series of five events this fall will focus on the campaign for and election of the tripartite presidency in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mirsad Hadžikadić, a well-known UNC Charlotte professor, is one of the candidates.
Hadžikadić, who came to the United States as a Fulbright Scholar at Southern Methodist University and to UNC Charlotte in 1987 as an assistant professor in computer sciences, is on a temporary leave of absence from his current position as founding executive director of the Data Science Initiative and professor of software and information systems. The presidential vote in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sunday, Oct. 7.
This free lecture series begins Wednesday, Sept. 12, with the talk “The Disintegration of Yugoslavia, the Dayton Accords and the Formation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” Presenters will be Dale Smith, professor of global studies, UNC Charlotte, and Kristina Drye, a UNC Charlotte graduate currently pursuing a master’s degree in security studies at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University.
Other events in the series are:
• “The Political and Electoral Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” presented by Dino Hadić, doctoral candidate in political science, Washington University, on Wednesday, Sept. 26.
• “The 2018 Presidential Election: Parties and Candidates” on Wednesday, Oct. 3. Suad Arnautović, professor of political science at the University of Sarajevo and member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Central Election Commission, will speak
• “Presidential Election Results and What They Mean for Bosnia” on Wednesday, Oct. 17. Guests for this panel discussion to be announced
• A discussion with Mirsad Hadžikadić about his campaign experiences on Monday, Oct. 22
All events except the Oct. 22 discussion will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the College of Health and Human Services, Room 281. Hadžikadić’s presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. at UNC Charlotte Center City. A reception will follow the discussion. RSVPs are required for this event, and parking information will be emailed to RSVPs several days prior to the event.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has a complicated three-person presidency whose members collectively serve as head of state. According to the country’s constitution, the presidency consists of one Bosniak, one Croat and one Serb. If successful, Hadžikadić will be the Bosniak president and will serve a four-year term.
The UNC Charlotte Department of Global Studies, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of Computing and Informatics and the Office of International Programs are cosponsoring this lecture series.