CCI professor aided women’s empowerment in Nepal

Computer science professor Liz Johnson recently returned from a summer vacation in Nepal, where she worked on women’s empowerment projects with the Volunteer Initiative of Nepal to help prevent sex trafficking.
She also worked in rural Kavresthali, assisting women to build micro-credit businesses and set up social media accounts to more effectively market their products.
Johnson was invited to return in July 2020 to speak on the complexity of approaches to policy research as part of an international conference.
Additionally, she is collaborating with Nepali leaders to recruit students to attend UNC Charlotte and study computer science.
“Hopefully this is the start of a fruitful partnership, whereby Nepali students can gain the benefit of a top computing education by attending UNC Charlotte, and some of our students can use their skills to volunteer in programs that help marginalized communities in Nepal,” said Johnson.
While in Nepal, Johnson trekked the Himalayas and made it to Annapurna Base Camp. An avid hiker, Johnson has climbed two of the Seven Summits (highest mountains on each continent) and plans to hike more in the future.
Read excerpts from a journal from which Johnson shared on various websites associated with the empowerment program.