Vote early with ‘Party to the Polls’

Voting early in this year’s local elections is easy with “Party to the Polls.” From Monday, Oct. 28, through Wednesday, Oct. 30, shuttles to the closest polling location, 8802 J.W. Clay Boulevard, will be offered.
This effort is a partnership between the 49er Democracy Experience and the Student Government Association. Shuttles will depart from the Popp Martin Student Union between 2 and 4 p.m.; the last shuttle will return to campus by 5 p.m.
Students who are not registered in Mecklenburg County but would like to register and vote early should bring proof of residence and a photo ID. Students living on campus can prove residency by showing their account. For off-campus residents, bring photo ID or utility bill, lease or other government ID. Individuals who are registered to vote in Mecklenburg County can vote at one of these early voting sites. The Hal Marshall Building and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library (main) are accessible via light rail.
On Election Day, Nov. 5, the polls will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; find registration status or sample ballots online.
Voting in North Carolina but outside Mecklenburg County? Learn about voting in your home county here.