Business Affairs

May is Internal Audit Awareness Month

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

Internal Audit Awareness Month, observed annually in May, is an opportunity to call attention to the profession of internal auditing.

Audit professionals work year round to communicate about the field and its value to organizations. A challenge is to combat misperceptions of the profession in which auditors are labeled as “nitpicking fault-finders, blame-layers or bureaucrats.”

Tom York, director of internal audit for UNC Charlotte, said, one of his department’s guiding principles is to help employees “do what they do and do it better.”

Levine Hall taking shape

Construction continues on Levine Hall near the main entrance to campus.  Named in honor of Sandra and Leon Levine, the residence hall, when completed later this year, will house more than 400 students, as well as the administrative offices for the Honors College and the Levine Scholars Program.

UNC Charlotte chef medals in collegiate culinary challenge

Nicholas Brawner, catering chef for UNC Charlotte Center City, earned a silver medal in a culinary challenge held at the Southern regional conference of the National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS) at Murray State University. 

Spring cleanup successfully diverts waste from landscape

Through the combined efforts of more than 75 volunteers, several truckloads of trash and recyclables were disposed safely via the recent spring campus cleanup.

“Campus cleanup provides us with the perfect opportunity to put the University’s commitment to being stewards of the environment into action” said Tyler Sytsma, University sustainability coordinator.

Each semester, the Facilities Management Office coordinates the campus cleanup, and employees receive release time to volunteer. Roughly 150 pounds of trash and recyclables were collected during this semester’s event.

Belk Plaza conceptual design focused on ‘bringing people to the space’

An oval-shaped great lawn to provide opportunities for people to be around other people, along with a monumental water element and more “pocket” spaces for activities, amenities and gatherings were the major elements of the conceptual design revealed at the final Belk Plaza Forum, April 11.

“We created a palate that would accommodate just about anything. The functional flexibility of space reflects classic design and introduces contemporary expression,” stated Adam Martin, a LandDesign associate and UNC Charlotte alumnus.

Volunteer for a cleaner, greener campus

In celebration of Earth Month, the Office of Waste Management and Recycling is sponsoring several events in which the campus community have opportunities to contribute to a cleaner, greener UNC Charlotte.

Belk Plaza conceptual plan to be revealed April 11

The final Belk Plaza forum will be 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, April 11, in the Cone University Center.  At this event, there will be a short presentation by key members of the LandDesign team to reveal the conceptual plan for the plaza’s transformation.

Four staff members honored as Employees of the Year

UNC Charlotte employees demonstrate devotion to duty, display innovation, participate in community/public service efforts and engender better human relations. For their efforts, staff members are nominated for and recognized as Employees of the Year. For 2016, the University honored Lebra Nance, Lee Beard, Paul Taylor and Dorothy Vick.

Awareness, prevention goals of side-by-side fire demo

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

All UNC Charlotte residence halls have fire alarms and sprinklers, and probably most off-campus housing offers protection for students. But fire prevention is a topic that warrants near-constant reminders, because a combustible event could have disastrous results.

To illustrate just how dangerous fire in a residence hall or an off-campus apartment could be, the University’s Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) is conducting a simulation and awareness event from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 29, at the basketball court near Martin Hall (close to Parking Lot 6).

Test of emergency alert system scheduled for March 25

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

UNC Charlotte will test its emergency alert system between 10 and 10:30 a.m., Friday, March 25.  

During this test, both a “red” and “yellow” alert banner will appear alternately on University websites. Each of these alerts should produce a LiveSafe message that will be delivered to all UNC Charlotte subscribers of this application.