Business Affairs

Business affairs hires first division director of communications

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

Christy Jackson recently joined UNC Charlotte as the first director of communications for the Division of Business Affairs.

Opening of Phillips Road Bridge marks milestone for roadway improvements

The recently completed Phillips Road Bridge will open midday Saturday, March 12, which means there will be a new campus traffic pattern at the intersection of Cameron Boulevard and Craver Road.

The existing intersection of Phillips Road and Cameron Boulevard will close as work to remove the asphalt along a section of old Phillips Road begins.

Light rail construction to affect North Tryon traffic

Work to extend the CATS Blue Line onto campus continues, and beginning in the next days and for the next several months, construction will impact the UNC Charlotte campus, particularly at Institute Circle. As with all construction, weather may change the projected schedules for the below phases of the project.

UNC Charlotte named a ‘StormReady Community’

After three years of preparation and extensive review from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), UNC Charlotte has received the official designation as a “StormReady Community.”

StormReady is a community preparedness program of the National Weather Service, a division of NOAA; the program encourages government entities and commercial gathering sites to prepare for severe storms.

Feb. 22 forum is another opportunity to provide input on Belk Plaza

The second of three Belk Plaza forums is scheduled for 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 22, in the Cone University Center, Lucas Room. Attendees, comprised of the campus community, alumni and others, can participate in this event that will, in part, influence the conceptual plans for the transformation of Belk Plaza.

PPS chief elected vice president of state association

Jeff Baker, chief of the University’s Police and Public Safety Department, was elected vice president of the N.C. Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (NCACLEA).

According to the association, NCACLEA works to promote professional ideals and standards for campus law enforcement in order to better serve the needs of higher education in North Carolina. In addition, the association provides professional development opportunities for its members and represents campus law enforcement agencies.

Become a better listener

The lunch-and-learn webinar “Becoming a Better Listener” will be from noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 24.

Sponsored by the Human Resources Department, this online offering will address the differences between listening and hearing, outline the characteristics of a good listener and identify barriers to listening and how to overcome them.

PPS, Staff Council to raise awareness of stalking

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs

January is National Stalking Awareness Month, and representatives from the Police and Public Safety Department and the Staff Council will be in the Cone University Center and the Student Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 21, to help educate members of the campus community about stalking.

Belk Plaza design forums scheduled

Public forums to solicit input about the design of the Belk Plaza will be held from 4 to 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 8 and 22, in the Cone University Center Lucas Room. (Note a change in the first forum from previous reports.)

‘Spectacular’ Belk Gym lauded at re-opening celebration

A bigger, better Belk Gym was on display Monday as campus leaders, students, faculty and staff celebrated the re-opening of a facility built in 1970.