
University patent policy revised

On Aug. 23, University Policy 301, Patent Policy was revised with the following changes: 

Code of Student Responsibility revised

On Aug. 17,  University Policy 406, Code of Student Responsibility, was revised to (a) ensure compliance with federal, state and local law; federal and state guidance; and UNC System policy, (b) reflect current institutional practices and national best and emerging practices and (c) promote a policy that is easier to understand for the various stakeholders involved in the conduct process (e.g., students, representatives, administrators).

City Council approves funding for UNC Charlotte conference center

The Charlotte City Council voted unanimously to invest $8 million toward the completion of the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center at UNC Charlotte. This planned conference center will enable the University to bring large research symposia and academic conferences to Charlotte.

Chancellor focuses on growth, change during Convocation

UNC Charlotte’s continuing growth and leadership for the greater Charlotte region were key messages that Chancellor Philip L. Dubois stressed during the annual University Convocation.

University employees encouraged to participate in Live United Day

UNC Charlotte employees are encouraged to participate in the first-ever Live United Day: All in for the Kids, a joint effort between United Way’s Hands On Charlotte, the Charlotte Chamber and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.

Convocations, Gold Rush usher in a new academic year

University Convocation and the Day of Convocation provide unique opportunities for the campus community to gather and celebrate the start of the 2018-19 academic year.

Corpening sworn in as Staff Council chair

ITS staff member Celeste Corpening is chair of the UNC Charlotte Staff Council for the 2018-19 academic year. Tina Dadio from the Office of Legal Affairs recently administered the oath of office at the council’s annual summer retreat.

Corpening is nearing 20 years of service to the University. In her ITS role, she supports the imaging system through project management, technical support, eForm design, web design and technical documentation.

Conference center and hotel would benefit the University and Charlotte

For nearly 30 years, UNC Charlotte leaders have envisioned opening a conference center and hotel on the University campus. UNC Charlotte’s exponential growth, coupled with light rail’s arrival and a burgeoning University City, marks now as the time to realize that vision.

New policy covers drone usage on campus

On Monday, June 11, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois approved the new University Policy 717, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

The use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), more commonly known as drones, on campus has increased significantly during the last few years. Use of such equipment presents great opportunities for the University but presents some risks that must be addressed as well.

Nominations accepted for Staff Council

The UNC Charlotte Staff Council is accepting nominations for the positions of chair, vice chair, communications officer and even-numbered area representatives and alternates. The deadline to submit nominations is Friday, June 15.