
Former Gov. Jim Hunt speaks on educational leadership
Former Gov. Jim Hunt recently discussed the significance of investing in public education to North Carolina economic future in his remarks as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series. He was on campus to attend a dedication ceremony for Hunt Hall, the first suite option in the new South Village residential area. It is named in honor of the former governor.

University counsel to talk guns on Oct. 8 ‘Live Wire’
Dave Broome, vice chancellor for legal affairs and general counsel, will discuss the recent state law that allows conceal-carry guns on college campuses and how University policy has been updated accordingly on the Oct. 8 edition of Inside UNC Charlotte’s “The Live Wire.” Employees can watch the webcast at their desk or on their mobile device starting at 2 p.m. on Inside UNC Charlotte. Click on the live stream viewing location.

CNN’s Toobin to talk ‘Politics, Media and the Law’ for Chancellor’s Speaker Series
Jeffrey Toobin, senior analyst for CNN, will be the featured guest for the third annual Chancellor’s Speaker Series, scheduled for 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15, at UNC Charlotte Center City.

Road near Richardson Stadium to become Mac Everett Way
Prior to the noon kickoff of the Charlotte 49ers game against Gardner-Webb on Saturday, Oct. 5, a ceremony will dedicate a street near Jerry Richardson Stadium in honor of Malcolm “Mac” Everett.
The 11 a.m. ceremony will designate the stretch of road Mac Everett Way in tribute to the longtime supporter of the University and its athletic programs.
Internal audit offers reminder on proper disposal of state property
University employees have a responsibility to safeguard state property, and this responsibility extends to the proper disposal of state property.
Tom York, director of internal audit, noted a recent investigative audit report published by the Office of the State Auditor provides an example as to why all employees should be aware of the proper procedures for disposing of state property.

Hudson tours advanced manufacturing labs
U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson (’96) visited his alma mater, UNC Charlotte, recently as part of his August recess from Congress. He wanted to learn more about the University’s role in advanced manufacturing.
Hudson met with Chancellor Philip L. Dubois; Bob Wilhelm, vice chancellor for research and economic development; and other University officials. After viewing Richardson Stadium, he stopped in at the Precision Metrology Lab and other high-tech industrial labs in Duke Centennial Hall.

Light-rail extension from Center City to UNC Charlotte gets major funding commitment
With the sun peeking out from behind UNC Charlotte Center City as the backdrop, University leaders were joined by local, state and federal officials at a ceremony at the Ninth Street Station in uptown Charlotte on Tuesday, Oct. 16, to witness the signing of an agreement to build a light-rail extension from the inner city to the UNC Charlotte campus.