
Faces – Lauren Beastall

Research is an integral part of the University’s mission, and Lauren Beastall endeavors to assist Lee College of Engineering faculty members in pursuit of funding for basic and applied research projects.
“I view my role as one that helps facilitate the research of the faculty members, as well as to assist staff in the post-award administration of the grants,” said Beastall, director of contracts and grants for the Lee College. “Our goal is to ease the administrative burden for our faculty as they complete the grants process and to make it as easy as possible.”

Faces – Brenda Shue

Brenda Shue, a member of the Chancellor’s Office, is passionate about learning and the University.
At December commencement, where she graduated with a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies and a graduate certificate in technical and professional writing, Shue was chosen to ring the bell during the afternoon ceremony for her exemplary 49er spirit.

Faces – Jules Keith-Le

Inspiration drives creativity and often results in a positive action; this is a concept that Jules Keith-Le embraces daily.

Faces – Ken Smith

Categories: General News Tags: Business Affairs, Faces

Ken Smith is a numbers guy, and virtually every day, he’s inundated with data, figures and spreadsheets.
In his role as the assistant University budget director, Smith works primarily with UNC Charlotte’s General Fund Budget, comprised of state appropriations and tuition and fees. For the 2013-14 fiscal year, it totals around $330 million.