Facilities Management
Foley needs shared leave
Patrick Foley from Facilities Management needs shared leave donations. The Benefits Office will accept donations through Sept. 4.To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, email Marina LeLeux, benefits counselor, at mleleux@uncc.edu.
FM’s David Schlobohm has died
David Schlobohm, an engineer with the University’s Facilities Management Department, died on Aug. 9.Colleagues in FM Capital Projects noted, “David’s knowledge and experience as the water resources engineer and interim director of engineering services has been invaluable to the Capital Projects team. He also dedicated his knowledge and time to the hurricane relief team at UNC Wilmington for several weeks during recovery. We will miss him dearly as a friend and colleague.”

Tips to stay cool in the summer heat
As the summer sun continues to display its sweltering strength, it is important to intentionally find ways to stay cool, and these tips can help:

Temporary sidewalk closure scheduled
The sidewalk between Parking Lot 16A and the Price Center for Counseling and Psychological Services will be inaccessible to pedestrians Thursday, Aug. 1, through Friday, Aug. 16, for construction related to the new science building.Barricades will be constructed; expect construction personnel and equipment in the area.

Temporary closure of SAC Parking Lot scheduled
From Monday, June 17, through Friday, Aug. 1, the SAC Parking Lot will be closed for ADA improvements and paving restoration.
Construction fencing will be erected and directional signage for pedestrians posted. Expect construction traffic and noise in the vicinity. Remember to use caution when approaching construction areas.

Temporarily closure of Lot 26 scheduled
Parking Lot 26 will be unavailable from Sunday, June 16, through Friday, June 21, for lot repair and resurfacing.
Expect barricades and construction personnel in the area; remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.
Re-striping of Union Deck scheduled
Between Sunday, June 9, and Friday, June 14, areas of the Union Deck will be closed temporarily to emable the re-striping of parking spaces.
Expect work crews and equipment throughout the deck; remember to exercise caution when approaching work areas.

Lot 20 to close temporarily
Beginning Monday, June 3, Parking Lot 20 will be closed for revitalization, which includes ADA improvements and paving.
Expect pedestrian redirection due to construction fencing and construction noise and traffic. Exercise caution when approaching construction zones.
This work is expected to be completed by Friday, July 26.

Lot 29 to close temporarily
Parking Lot 29 will be closed from Sunday, June 2, through Friday, June 7, for repairs and improvements to the surface.
Expect barricades, asphalt trucks and construction personnel in the area.

University Recreation Center slated for mid-fall opening
The University Recreation Center, scheduled to open during the upcoming fall semester, will respond to UNC Charlotte’s growing demand for dedicated student recreation and fitness space.