Faculty and Staff News

Update W-4, NC-4 online

Faculty and staff members can update their federal and state employee withholding certificates (Form W-4, and NC-4) through “My UNC Charlotte.”

Follow these steps to view and update withholding allowances.

Cato College department wins decorating contest

The Department of Reading and Elementary Education in the Cato College of Education won the Staff Council Homecoming Decorating Contest.

Rachel Pierson-Bonin, HR, was the individual winner.

The UNC Charlotte Staff Council sponsors a decorating contest during Homecoming to encourage offices/departments and individuals to display their Niner spirit.

Campus units that competed in the contest were:

Faculty/Staff Social scheduled

Faculty and staff members are invited to join colleagues for socializing and networking at a Faculty and Staff Social, which will be from 4:30 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 7, in the Popp Martin Student Union Art Gallery.

Sponsored by Chancellor Philip L. Dubois, the social will feature light hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer and soft drinks. RSVPs requested.

University welcomes new employees

UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the Oct. 17-18 New Employee Orientation session:

Raymond Bolger, support services associate

Belk College of Business
Solange Tricanowicz, assistant director for employer relations and career and professional development

Building Environmental Services
Crystal Beam, building environmental technician
Saida Pyles, building environmental technician
Robert Smith, building environmental technician

University to conduct NinerAlerts test Oct. 24

The Office of Emergency Management and the Police and Public Safety Department will conduct a full test of the NinerAlert system at approximately 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 24. All methods of alert notification will be used. This includes text messaging, email, Alertus technology (on-campus screen takeover), LiveSafe and social media.

The test message will read:  

NinerAlerts: This is a test of the UNC Charlotte Emergency Alert System. This is only a test.

Hipsher needs shared leave

Katherine “Shaw” Hipsher with Venture needs shared leave donations.

To contribute leave, faculty and staff should refer to the requirements and participant forms in Personnel Information Memorandum (PIM) 29 or in the literature racks outside of the Benefits Office, King Building, Room 207. For more information, contact Joy Finney, benefits counselor, at 704‑687‑0648.

Fall classic — essayists contribute to a tribute to baseball

Seven members of the University community are among the 30 essayists whose work fills the pages of “The Love of Baseball,” a passionate testament to the life-lessons of the nation’s pastime.

PPS recognizes quick action of PaTS employees

During the summer, Virginia Fuentes, a SafeRide driver with the Parking and Transportation Services Office (PaTS), was training recent hire Monique Woodard, when she observed an oddity. The Police and Public Safety Department (PPS) vehicle she was following veered suddenly to the left, crossed the oncoming traffic lane and came to rest near a stop sign north of Craver Road.

Camaraderie, community on display at Fall Festival

Barnhardt Student Activity Center was alive with food, dancing, games and more as University employees took advantage of the Staff Council’s Fall Festival, Tuesday, Oct. 10.

This annual event, which coincides with fall break, provided a brief respite for staff members to relax with one another and support a local nonprofit organization. This year, attendees could bring a donation for the Urban Ministry Center’s Room in the Inn for the chance to win a prize.

Traffic interruption expected at Union Deck

Between 6 a.m., Friday, Oct. 13, through 8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 17, traffic flow to the Union Deck will be altered as workers erect a tower crane as part of the deck expansion.

Expect delays entering/exiting the deck; flaggers will be in the area to allow for movement of heavy equipment and construction personnel.

Reminder, stay alert and use caution in construction zones.

Updated Oct.16, 2017