Student Affairs

UNC Board of Governors member visits campus to discuss veterans’ issues
Judge William Webb, chairman of the UNC Board of Governors Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, came to UNC Charlotte Nov. 12 to learn more about the University’s programs to help its veteran students, groundbreaking research and efforts to hire more veterans.

Scrum machine is key to rugby teams’ success
The scrum machine belonging to the UNC Charlotte Men’s and Women’s Rugby clubs has seen its best days. In fact, it’s in such poor condition that the men’s team has not used it this semester, said senior finance major Nathan Zima, treasurer of the national champion Men’s Rugby Club.
“It’s almost becoming a safety hazard to use it,” Zima said.

Fight Hunger at UNC Charlotte during Homelessness and Hunger Awareness Week
Food insecurity affects students on U.S. college campuses at a rate that is often higher than twice that of the general population. UNC Charlotte is no exception; in fact, during the 2017 fall semester, 303 students visited the Jamil Niner Student Pantry.

Brittany Hunt to provide keynote for American Indian Heritage Month observance
Brittany Hunt, a member of the Lumbee tribe, will serve as the keynote speaker for UNC Charlotte’s observance of American Indian Heritage Month. She will deliver remarks at 5 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 13, in the Popp Martin Student Union Theater.

UNC Charlotte making strides to ‘Swipe Out Hunger’
Across the nation, student hunger is real. Recognizing that one in seven college students is considered food insecure, UCLA student Rachel Sumekh co-founded Swipe Out Hunger, a nationwide program on college campuses that re-allocates meal swipes to students in need.
UNC Charlotte is now among the dozens of campuses in 23 states participating in Swipe Out Hunger.

Registration underway for Chancellor’s Fishing Derby
The third Chancellor’s Fishing Derby will be Saturday, Nov. 10, at Hechenbleikner Lake.
This family-friendly event is open to faculty and staff members and their guests. Two 75-minute sessions will be held with check-in starting at 8 a.m.
Details on the derby are:

University’s Veterans Day observance to feature concert, military appreciation game and more
The UNC Charlotte Wind Ensemble, joined by the University Chorale and the Pride of Niner Nation Marching Band, will present “For Heroes Proved: A Veterans Day Concert” at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 11, at Ovens Auditorium.

New office names part of Student Affairs realignment
The Multicultural Resource Center, Religious and Spiritual Life, Latinx Student Services and Student Advising for Freshman Excellence (S.A.F.E.) have merged to become the Office of Identity, Equity and Engagement. The name reflects the office’s goal to create opportunities for education, development and engagement for students, while keeping in mind their various intersecting identities.

New office names part of Student Affairs realignment
The Multicultural Resource Center, Religious and Spiritual Life, Latinx Student Services and Student Advising for Freshman Excellence (S.A.F.E.) have merged to become the Office of Identity, Equity and Engagement. The name reflects the office’s goal to create opportunities for education, development and engagement for students, while keeping in mind their various intersecting identities.

Sports, politics and activism collide in ‘An Evening with Jemele Hill’
Nationally known sports journalist and activist Jemele Hill will speak at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 30, in Popp Martin Student Union, Room 340, as a part of the Forty-Niner Forum Speaker Series.