Town hall to explore future of campus IT
A town hall meeting is scheduled for 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 17, in the Popp Martin Student Union Multipurpose Room, to learn about the recommended future “One IT” organization could look like.
Learn more about fighting fraud
The Internal Audit Department will conduct the training session “Fighting Fraud the 49er Way” on Thursday, April 11. Register online.
Higher education institutions are just as vulnerable to fraud as other organizations. If the pressure and opportunity exists, an employee may engage in theft.
Here are some examples of fraud cases that have occurred at various universities:
University welcomes new employees
UNC Charlotte welcomed the following new staff and faculty members during the March 19 New Employee Orientation session:
Atkins Library
Angel Truesdale, social sciences and business librarian
Business Affairs
Robert Holmes, architectural technician
Engineering Technology and Construction Management
Michelle Prasad, administrative support associate
Housing and Residence Life
Michael Bell, property security officer
Stuart Pope, FM technician for mechanical trades
Cone Center exterior stairs to close temporarily
The Cone University Center’s exterior stairway (facing the metered parking lot) next to the Reese Building will be closed Monday, April 1, through Friday, April 12, for restoration work.
Expect noise from sandblasting and pressure washing; barricades and directional signage will be erected.
The ADA sidewalk will remain open.
Remember to use caution when approaching construction areas.
‘Dessert Shoppe’ to honor staff achievement
Employee of the Year and service award recipients for 2018 will be honored at 2 p.m., Wednesday, March 27, during a dessert reception in the Popp Martin Student Union Multipurpose Room.
All employees are invited and encouraged to attend.
This year, 32 individuals were nominated for Employee of the Year, the most in the program’s history. Awards will be handed out across four categories: devotion to duty, innovation, human relations and community/public service.
Doors open at 2 p.m., and the awards program will begin at 2:10 p.m.
Institute Circle to close temporarily
Inbound and outbound lanes of Institute Circle will be closed Friday, March 29, for construction related to the entrance off N. Tryon Street.
Expect heavy equipment and construction personnel in the area; detour signage will direct traffic to use the J.W. Clay Boulevard entrance.
Remember to exercise caution when approaching construction zones.
University to hold annual campus memorial service
The annual UNC Charlotte Memorial Service will be at 7 p.m., Thursday, April 11, at the Harris Alumni Center at Johnson Glen.
This service is held in remembrance of students, faculty and staff who have died within the last year (April 2018 to April 2019).
Christine Reed Davis, dean of students, and Stephen Cheyney, executive director and campus minister of the Cooperative Christian Ministry, will give remarks. A candle lighting will follow.
Early morning lane closure scheduled along Mary Alexander Road
Between 5:30 and 7 a.m., Wednesday, March 20, the northbound lane of Mary Alexander Road will be closed temporarily to allow construction work related to the Sycamore Hall Renovation project.
A concrete truck will block the northbound lane and sidewalk in front of Sycamore Hall. Flaggers will direct traffic.
Remember to stay alert and exercise caution when approaching construction areas.
Student nominees sought for Leadership Fellows
Nominate a student for Leadership Fellows, a program that promotes, trains and develops specific skills desired by students interested in leadership roles. Through practical applications, experiential learning and related topics specific to leadership development, students will make positive contributions to University organizations and the surrounding community.
Leadership Fellows at UNC Charlotte is intended for sophomores, juniors or seniors.
DMV holding REAL ID Day in Charlotte
The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will hold a REAL ID Express Day on Saturday, March 16, at the office located at 9711 David Taylor Dr. Between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., state residents can obtain N.C. REAL IDs without an appointment.
A North Carolina REAL ID will make it more convenient to board a commercial airplane or visit a federal facility, according to the N.C. DMV. Beginning in 2020, federal agencies will enforce tougher security standards at airport check-ins, federal buildings, military installations and nuclear sites.