Academic Affairs
UNC Charlotte receives NSF funding for community co-development of artificial intelligence systems designed to improve public safety
Researchers at UNC Charlotte have been awarded funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF)’s Smart and Connected Communities program to co-develop technology to support public safety. The $1.9 million, four-year grant will develop an optical sensing platform that uses artificial intelligence to detect and prevent street crime without the use of profiling.
Nominees sought for 2019 teaching excellence awards
The selection committee for the Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence and the new UNC Charlotte Award for Teaching Excellence is accepting nominations through Thursday, Nov. 15. These awards are two of the most important and prestigious awards at UNC Charlotte as they honor outstanding professors and provide an example of the University’s commitment to excellence in teaching.
The strongest nominations include specific examples from students; just submit a nomination and the professor will be considered for the award for which they are eligible.
UNC Charlotte’s Urban Institute working with Harvard, Brown researchers to revive American Dream
Charlotte was selected as the flagship city for a new project on economic mobility thanks in part to the unique aptitude of the Institute for Social Capital at UNC Charlotte’s Urban Institute.
New Jersey City University administrator serving as ACE Fellow
The American Council on Education (ACE) Fellows Program is considered the premier leadership development initiative to prepare senior leaders to serve U.S. colleges and universities.
Karen Morgan, from New Jersey City University, is spending the 2018-19 academic year at UNC Charlotte as an ACE Fellow.
Graduate School to hold enrollment info session for employees
The Graduate School will conduct an information session for employees who hold bachelor’s degrees and who are interested in advanced studies.
This information session, scheduled for noon to 1 p.m., Monday, Oct. 15, in Cato Hall, will cover the application process; enrollment counselors can answer questions about various programs. Information about tuition waivers for employees and free textbook rental programs will be available, too.
International students: #YouAreWelcomeHere
During Saturday’s International Festival, the Office of International Programs will spread the message via video and social media that international students are welcome at UNC Charlotte. The University is among a number of higher education institutions in the United States participating in the social media awareness campaign #YouAreWelcomeHere; the effort is designed to affirm that participating institutions are diverse, friendly, safe and committed to student development.
International Festival – all are welcome to this global celebration
The city of Charlotte has a rich, cultural heritage, and its ethnic communities continue to flourish. For more than 40 years, UNC Charlotte has celebrated its global population through its International Festival. Its core message – all are welcome here.
Area 49 to spark innovation/collaboration through advanced technology
Area 49, a state-of-the-art learning and technology space designed to encourage cross-disciplinary exploration and collaboration, is open at UNC Charlotte’s J. Murrey Atkins Library. A ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, Sept. 25, held at Area 49 on the library’s second floor, marked its introduction to campus.
Apply for the upcoming National Science Foundation I-Corps cohort
Ventureprise is now accepting applications from UNC Charlotte students, faculty and staff for the fall 2018 I-Corps cohort. The program, funded by the National Science Foundation, helps participants bridge academic and entrepreneurial knowledge.
Apply for the upcoming National Science Foundation I-Corps cohort
Ventureprise is now accepting applications from UNC Charlotte students, faculty and staff for the fall 2018 I-Corps cohort. The program, funded by the National Science Foundation, helps participants bridge academic and entrepreneurial knowledge.