Health and Wellness

Collegiate Recovery Community to benefit from Heroes 6K
The Heroes in Recovery 6K, sponsored by the Foundations Recovery Network, will benefit UNC Charlotte’s Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) for the second year in a row. The race will be held Sunday, Sept. 27, at University Research Park, starting at 8 a.m.

ACCEHW coordinating campus walk
The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness encourages faculty and staff to join in a campus walk from 2 to 3 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 15, as part of the “Every Body Walk Charlotte” initiative. Participants will meet at the Cone University Center Plaza. Individuals who cannot participate at the scheduled time can walk on their own or organize a unit/office/departmental walk for Sept. 15; take pictures and email them to Mackenzie Harkey (

ACCEHW sponsoring ‘Walking Wednesdays’ in May
The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness (ACCEHW) is partnering with the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce and the Healthy Charlotte Council to promote healthy living throughout Charlotte.

ACCEHW to sponsor lunch-and-learn, webinar
“Staying Young through the Years” is a lunch-and-learn program designed to offer advice on how employees can stay mentally and physically young despite the advancement of time. This event will be at noon, Wednesday, April 15, in the Student Union, Room 200. Register to attend online.

Healthy cooking demonstration scheduled
March is National Nutrition Month, and UNC Charlotte employees are invited to a demonstration of healthy cooking at 1 p.m., Monday, March 30, in Bistro 49, located on the second floor of the Student Union.
At the event, a healthy dish will be prepared; the demonstration will be tilapia with tomato emulsion, black quinoa with wild mushrooms, heirloom tomatoes and sautéed haricot verts. Free samples will be provided during the demo, and recipe cards will be available.

ACCEHW offering programs, webinar in March
The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness (ACCEHW) has a number of programs scheduled for March.
On Wednesday, March 4, the lunch-and-learn “Parenting Your College-age Children” will be from noon to 1 p.m., in the Student Union, Room 200. Register to attend online.

ACCEHW sponsoring webinar on ‘Keeping the Spark Alive in Your Marriage’
The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness is offering the webinar “Staying Connected: Keeping the Spark Alive in Your Marriage.” It is scheduled for noon, Tuesday, Feb. 24.
While this “lunch and learn” event is being offered as a webinar; there will be a live presenter, so interested employees must watch at the scheduled time.
Visit this link to register for the webinar prior to Feb. 24.

UNC Charlotte students partner with Russian students to promote healthy living
Students at UNC Charlotte are partnering with students in Russia to promote healthy living, through a collaboration created by program director Yuliya Baldwin and funded by the U.S. Department of State.
“When I saw this grant being offered, I immediately knew that I would like to partner with Russia simply because UNC Charlotte had never done any type of exchange with Russia,” said Baldwin, a lecturer in Russian in the Department of Languages and Culture Studies in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

Register for Mentors in Violence Prevention training
The University will host a three-day “Train the Trainer” session for Jason Katz’s Mentors in Violence Prevention model Tuesday, Jan 20, through Thursday, Jan. 22, at the Student Health Center.
Katz, an educator and author, co-developed the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) model. He and his team have spearheaded the idea of gender equity in the dissemination of the violence prevention message since the early 1990s.

Mobile mammography unit coming to campus
The Charlotte Radiology Breast Center’s mobile mammography unit will be on campus from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 17, in the loading dock area behind the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.
Members of the campus community can schedule an appointment with the unit by calling 704-367-2232, ext. 6241. The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness is coordinating this event.