Student Affairs

Vote early with ‘Party to the Polls’
Voting early in this year’s local elections is easy with “Party to the Polls.” From Monday, Oct. 28, through Wednesday, Oct. 30, shuttles to the closest polling location, 8802 J.W. Clay Boulevard, will be offered.This effort is a partnership between the 49er Democracy Experience and the Student Government Association. Shuttles will depart from the Popp Martin Student Union between 2 and 4 p.m.; the last shuttle will return to campus by 5 p.m.

WSOC staff to talk Congressional election fraud
WSOC-TV reporter Joe Bruno is credited with breaking the news regarding election fraud in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District. He and producer, Mike Stolp, will visit campus to give an insider’s look at the investigation into falsified absentee ballots.“A Conversation with Joe Bruno and Mike Stolp” is scheduled for 7 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 24, in the Popp Martin Student Union, Room 340. This event is being sponsored by Leadership and Community Engagement in the Division of Student Affairs.

Apply to speak at TEDxUNCCharlotte 2020
Planning for the second annual TEDxUNCCharlotte, an independently organized live TEDx event, has begun.During TEDxUNCCharlotte 2020, scheduled for March 27, speakers will present ideas that center around the theme “Thinking Future. Thinking Forward.”The online speaker application is available on the TEDxUNCCharlotte website and is open to all students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members. The deadline to apply is Thursday, Oct. 31, by 11:59 p.m.

Activist and YouTube star Tyler Oakley to speak
Tyler Oakley, an American content creator, LGBTQ+ activist and New York Times best-selling author, will speak at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 1, in the Cone University Center, McKnight Hall, as part of the Forty-Niner Forum Speakers Series.

Apply to be commencement speakers, bell ringers
The Dean of Students Office is seeking student speakers and bell ringers for UNC Charlotte’s Fall Commencement ceremonies (Friday and Saturday, Dec. 13-15). Faculty and staff are requested to encourage students graduating in December to apply for one of these prestigious honors.

Faces – Tyris Gillis
Tyris Gillis, assistant director for Identity, Equity and Engagement, oversees the Student Advising for Freshmen Excellence (SAFE) program.A peer mentoring program, SAFE was created to support the transition of first-year students to college through personal development programming to foster academic achievement, positive self-efficacy and increase personal growth. It is open to all first-year students, although it has a unique focus on underrepresented student populations (students of color, first-generation students and low socioeconomic status).

Anglers of all ages converged on campus
Nearly 100 people enjoyed a recent Saturday morning around Hechenbleikner Lake for the fourth Chancellor’s Fishing Derby.

UTOP Cements Success
Support sought to give more first-year students the UTOP experience.

Tickets on sale for Butterfly Affair fundraiser
The fourth annual Butterfly Affair: An Evening to Support the UNC Charlotte Collegiate Recovery Community is scheduled for 6 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27.

Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity Homecoming Build
Everybody deserves a place to call home, and the UNC Charlotte community is helping to ease Charlotte’s affordable housing crisis.
The Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter at UNC Charlotte will start construction on a Habitat for Humanity home during Homecoming week.