General News
90-plus employers to attend Off-campus Job and Internship Fair
More than 90 employers are registered to attend this semester’s Off-campus Job and Internship Fair, which will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 2, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.
Hypnotist Chris Jones to perform
Hypnotist Chris Jones will perform at 7 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 25, in the Student Union, Room 340. This free, public event is being sponsored by the Campus Activities Board.
Originally from Chicago, Jones took a roundabout way to becoming one of today’s most entertaining performers on the college market. In college, he studied sociology and psychology, using magic to connect with other students. After years of performing magic and stand-up comedy at weddings, bars and smoky nightclubs, Jones picked up hypnosis and added it to his routine.
Dubois to appear on WTVI program
Chancellor Philip L. Dubois was interviewed for the program “Job Ready” that will be broadcast at 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 23, on WTVI PBS Charlotte (Time Warner Cable Channel 5). Heath Morrison, superintendent of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is also a guest on the show, hosted by Tony Zeiss.
“Job Ready” focuses on emerging workforce trends in the Charlotte region and identifies available career options and resources.
Office of Legal Affairs Symposium set for Oct. 16
Understanding sexual assault, FERPA, the Public Records Act and Title IX are among the topics to be discussed at the fall 2014 Office of Legal Affairs Symposium, scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 16, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center Salons.
Faculty or staff members who are interested in attending the symposium should email Melanie White, executive assistant to the vice chancellor for legal affairs and general counsel, at
A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.
University to host CPR, AED training sessions
UNC Charlotte will host cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training for students, faculty and staff from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, Oct.8, in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center.
Medic personnel will teach participants proper hand placement and how to perform compressions on a CPR manikin, a medical simulation device. Participants will be able to ask questions and learn the importance of quick action during a cardiac arrest.
Participate in Homecoming festivities, parade
The UNC Charlotte Homecoming Committee is extending a special invitation to faculty and staff to participate in its second football Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally to be held on Friday, Oct. 24. Any campus department or group that would like to walk, drive or float in the parade should register online at the Homecoming website by Friday, Sept. 26.
Watch the 39th International Festival live
Tune in at noon, Saturday, Sept. 20, for live coverage of the International Festival, an annual event at UNC Charlotte that is entering its 39th year. Considered the region’s largest, most culturally diverse event, International Festival provides a unique opportunity for attendees to experience the world in a day. With more than 50 nations represented, this colorful festival lets individuals engage in a vast array of activities including art, costumes, games, music, dance, and of course, food.
PPS to hold ‘Operation Medicine Drop’
The UNC Charlotte Police and Public Safety Department (PPS) will conduct “Operation Medicine Drop” from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday, Sept. 26, in the Student Health Center Multipurpose Room (112H).
During this event, prescription and over-the-counter medications can be brought in, no questions asked, to be safely discarded. Individuals should bring medications in the original bottles that indicate the drug name and dosage; personal information may be removed for confidentiality purposes.
First Ward Park to serve as community centerpiece
First Ward Park is being designed as a community centerpiece – it will be bordered by UNC Charlotte Center City and ImaginOn. At a Sept. 18 ceremony to break ground officially for the park, Chancellor Philip L. Dubois said the park always has been part of Daniel Levine and the University’s vision for First Ward.
International Festival to be featured on public TV
Tune into the Sept. 19 edition of “North Carolina Now” to view a segment that features UNC Charlotte staff members and others discussing the Queen City’s diverse cultural landscape and growing internationalization. The show airs at 7:30 p.m. on UNC-TV (Channel 13).